Spim 2010

Skin physiology international meeting


University Registered Students
Faculté Pharmacie Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 Dr Nicolas ATRUX-TALLAN
Université de Brest – Chu Morvan Dr Nicholas BOULAIS
INSERM U905 Mr Jean-François CHATILLON
Université Claude Bernard Lyon Annasara HANSSON
CHU PURPAN (Toulouse) Julie HENRY
CHU PURPAN (Toulouse) Emilie LECLERC
Université Paris-Sud 11 Mrs Rime MICHAEL-JUBELI
INSERM U938 Centre De Recherche St-Antoine Mr Dany NASSAR


University Hospital Center of Vaud, Switzerland Prof. Yann BARRANDON
Debrecen University, Hungary Prof. Tamas BIRO
Leeds University, UK Dr Richard BOJAR
San Francisco Medical Center, US Prof. Peter ELIAS
CEA – Paris, France Dr Nicolas FORTUNEL
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, US Dr Geraldine GUASCH
Institut Pasteur Paris, France Dr Jean-Paul LATGÉ
Münster University, Germany Prof. Thomas LÜGER
Teramo University, Italy Prof. Mauro MACCARRONE
MEDyC – UMR CNRS 7369 Reims, France Prof. François-Xavier MAQUART
Heideberg University, Germany Dr Martin SCHMELZ
Purpan Hospital Toulouse, France Prof. Guy SERRE
LMCB Rome, Italy Dr Giovanna ZAMBRUNO

Lauréats 2010

Ms Loubna CHADLI | Dany NASSAR | Ms Emilie LECLERC


Greentech Awards

The scientific committee selected the « Best Junior Scientist 2010 » among the nine young researchers preparing a PhD or are working in post-PhD nominated and invited to present their results to scientists and industrials coming from the dermatology and cosmetic worlds.
Again, two young and expert scientists were very remarkable, so the grant of €15,000 was transformed into two grants!

Ms Emilie LECLERC working at the CHU Purpan Toulouse – France and Dr Dany NASSAR from the centre of research St Antoine – Paris – France (INSERM U938) shared the grant of €20,000:


 » Characterization of the differenet proteins encoded by the Dermokine genes « .


 » Influence of fetal mesenchymal stemm cells on skin homeostasis and wound healing « .

Also, all the participants have voted and selected the “Best SPIM poster 2010”, among all the posters exhibited during the SPIM and presenting a particular topic related to research in skin physiology.
This year, the poster from Ms Loubna CHADLI‘s poster (CEA/IRCM – Evry – France) was selected by all participants and received the grant of €4,000 euros.

Ms Loubna CHADLI:

 » Roles of TGF-b1 and KLF4 in the control of human keratinocyte holoclone potential « .


– Epithelial stem cells
– Neuronal skin sensitivity (the neuro-cutaneous system and the endocannabinoid system)
– Skin microflora
– Molecular and structural biology: the barrier function and pathologies


During the 2nd SPIM, the first day was enriched with numerous talks from experts of skin physiology and young researchers, participating for the Greentech awards. After the last sessions, all the participants enjoyed an exposition of Nils UDO, a famous German artist who dedicated an artwork book to each member of the congress.

At the end of the day, the night program continued with a cocktail followed by the gala dinner, with two musicians from the Scala – Milan.